
Религиозный сионизм. История и идеология


Aminoah 1931a – Aminoah N. Our Goals in the Moshavei Ovadim //Yalkut: An Anthology on the Torah va-Avodah Idea. Jerusalem: Torah va-Avodah, 1931 (на иврите).

Aminoah 1931b – Aminoah N. Religious Labor Movement. Jerusalem: Torah va-Avodah, 1931 (на иврите).

Aminoah 1968 – Aminoah N. At the Fountain [Al ha-Mabu’a] I ed. by Yeshayahu Bernstein. Tel Aviv: Aminoah Memorial Fund, 1968 (на иврите).

Amon, Langental, 2005 – Amon N., Langental M. When Moses Met Buddha. Tel Aviv: Miskal, 2005 (на иврите).

Aviad 1948 – Avi’ad (Wolfsberg) Y. Gateways to Philosophical Problems of Our Time (на иврите). Jerusalem: Mosad Ha-Rav Kook, 1948.

Avi’ad 1958 – Avi’ad (Wolfsberg) Y. Reflections on the Philosophy of History. Jerusalem: Mosad Ha-Rav Kook, 1958 (на иврите).

Avi’ad 1962 – Avi’ad (Wolfsberg) Y. Judaism and Present. Jerusalem: WZO, 1962 (на иврите).

Aviner 1983 – Aviner S. Am ke-Lavi. 2 vols. Jerusalem: n. p., 1983 (на иврите).

Avneri 1988 – The Seventh Convention of Ha-Poel ha-Mizrachi Movement in Eretz Israel (1935) I ed. by Y. Avneri. Ramat-Gan: Bar-Ilan University, 1985.

Bar-Ilan 1950 – Bar-Ilan (Berlin) M. Writings. Jerusalem: Mosad Ha-Rav Kook, 1950 (на иврите).

Bar-Ilan 1971 – Bar-Ilan (Berlin) M. From Volozhin to Jerusalem. Tel Aviv: R. Meir Bar-Ilan Publication Committee, 1971 (на иврите).

Ben-Nathan 1991 – Ben-Nathan R. In One Movement. Jerusalem: Mo-reshet, 1991 (на иврите).

Berkovitz 1973 – Berkovitz E. Faith after the Holocaust. New York: Ktav, 1973.

Bernstein 1953 – Mizpeh I ed. by Y. Bernstein // Hazofeh Yearbook for 1953.

Bernstein 1956 – Bernstein Y. Mission and Pathway. Tel Aviv: Moreshet, 1956 (на иврите).

Bernstein 1965 – Bernstein Y. Within Circles of Enslavement and Redemption. Jerusalem: Mosad Ha-Rav Kook, 1965 (на иврите).

Churgin, Gelman 1936 – Mizrahi Jubilee Publication of the Mizrahi Organization of America I ed. by P. Churgin, L. Gelman. New York: Posy Shoulson, 1936 (на иврите).

Cohen D. 1970 – Cohen D. The Voice of Prophecy. Jerusalem: Mosad Ha-Rav Kook, 1970 (на иврите).

Duschinsky 1982 – Duschinsky R. J. In the Paths of the Festivals. New York: Hermon, 1982 (на иврите).

Eliash J. 1983 – Eliash J. A. Action Out of Vision. Tel Aviv: Merkaz Eli-Tsur, 1983 (на иврите).