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Author often scientific monographs.

At present, he is a professor at the Ural Federal University (Yekaterinburg), in the Department of Philosophy. He teaches courses on the history of philosophy of the 19th – 20th centuries in the Department of Philosophy.

The most prominent translations of A. Pertsev

• Jaspers K. Philosophical Autobiography. – Yekaterinburg: Business book; Bishkek: Odyssey, 1997.

• Sloterdijk P. Critique of Cynical Reason. – Yekaterinburg: USU Publishing House, 2001.

• Junger F.G. Games. The key to their meaning. – SPb.: Vladimir Dal, 2012.-336 p.

• Nikish E. The life I dared to. Meetings and events. – SPb.: Vladimir Dal, 2012.-560 p.

• Selected translations from Nietzsche by Professor A. Pertsev – SPb.: Vladimir Dal, 2014.– 240 p.

• Sloterdijk P., Heinrichs G.-Yu. Sun and death. Dialogue research. – SPb.: Ivan Limbakh Publishing House, 2015. – 608 p.

• Spengler O. Reconstruction of the German Reich / translation from German and commentary by A. Pertsev SPb.: Publishing house Vladimir Dal, 2015.-223 p. S. 143-221

• Gvarlini R. Holderlin. Picture of the world and divine inspiration / translation and commentary by APertsev, verse. Per. Purgin S.P SPb.: Nauka, 2015. -498 p. S. 444–486.

• Guardini R. Dante's Divine Comedy: Her Basic Religious and Philosophical Ideas / translation by A. Pertsev. SPb.: Vladimir Dal, 2020. – 498 p.

Joint works of professors O. Matveichev and A. Pertsev:

– O.Poggeler, New Paths with Heidegger (Poggeler, 1992) / Translation to Russian and foreword by A.Pertsev and O. Matveichev. – SPb.: Vladimir Dal. 2019.-640 p.

– R. Pohle – Plato as an educator. Platonic Renaissance and Antimodernism in Germany (1890–1933) [R.Pohle, Platon als Erzieher. Platonrenessance und Antimodernismus in Deutschland (1890–1933). Gottingen, Wandenhoeck & Ruprecht 2017] – Translation to Russian and commentary by A.Pertsev and O. Matveichev – currently being prepared for release by the publishing house "Vladimir Dal".



H. Diels, Die Fragmente der Vorsokratiker. Griechisch u. Deutsch. Fünfte Aufage, hrsg. v. W. Kranz. Bd. 1, Berlin 1934. Kap. 10, Die Sieben Weisen.


H. Diels, Die Fragmente der Vorsokratiker. Griechisch u. Deutsch. Fünfte Aufage, hrsg. v. W. Kranz. Bd. 1, Berlin 1934. Kap. 10, Die Sieben Weisen.