
Феномен ГУЛАГа. Интерпретации, сравнения, исторический контекст


Ivanova 2000 – Ivanova G. Labor Camp Socialism: Teh Gulag in the Soviet Totalitarian System. Armonk, New York: M. E. Sharpe, 2000.

Khlevniuk 2001 – Khlevniuk O. Teh Economy of the Gulag // Behind the Facade of Stalin’s Command Economy: Evidence from the Soviet State and Party Archives / Ed. By Gregory P. R. Stanford, CA: Hoover Institution Press, 2001.

Khlevniuk 2004 – Khlevniuk O. V. History of the Gulag: From Collectivization to the Great Terror. New Haven: Yale UP, 2004.

Kotkin 1995 – Kotkin S. Magnetic Mountain: Stalinism as a Civilization. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1995.

Kramer 2014 – Kramer M. Stalin, the Split with Yugoslavia, and Soviet-East European Efof rts to Reassert Control, 1948–1953 // Stalin and Europe: Imitation and Domination, 1928–1953 / Ed. by Snyder and R. Brandon. New York: Oxford UP, 2014. Р. 813–832.

Lifton 1988 – Lifton R. The Nazi Doctors: Medical Killing and the Psychology of Genocide. NY: Basic Books, 1988.

Manley 2015 – Manley R. Nutritional Dystrophy: Teh Science and Semantics of Starvation // World War II. Hunger and War: Food Provisioning in the Soviet Union during World War II / Ed. by W. Goldman and D. Filtzer. Bloomington: Indiana UP, 2015. Р. 206–264.

Mazower 2008 – Mazower M. Hitler’s Empire: How the Nazis Ruled Europe. New York: Penguin, 2008.

Mochulsky 2011 – Mоchulsky F. Gulag Boss: A Soviet Memoir. New York: Oxford UP, 2011.

Patterson 1982 – Patterson O. Slavery and Social Death: A Comparative Study. Cambridge, MA: Harvard UP, 1982.

Proctor 1988 – Proctor R. Racial Hygiene: Medicine under the Nazis. Cambridge, MA: Harvard UP, 1988.

Remnick 2014 – Remnick D. Putin’s Pique // Teh New Yorker. 2014. 17 March.

Toker 2000 – Tolker L. Return from the Archipelago: Narratives of Gulag Survivors. Bloomington: Indiana UP, 2000.

Vatulescu 2010 – Vatulescu C. Police Aesthetics: Literature, Film, and the Secret Police in Soviet Times. Stanford, CA: Stanford UP, 2010.

Vilensky 1999 – Till My Tale Is Told: Women’s Memoirs of the Gulag / Ed. by S. Vilensky. Bloomington: Indiana UP, 1999.

Viola 2007 – Viola L. Teh Unknown Gulag: Teh Lost World of Stalin’s Special Settlements. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2007.

Weiner 2002 – Weiner A. Making Sense of War: Teh Second World War and the Fate of the Bolshevik Revolution. Princeton, NJ: Princeton UP, 2002.

Werth 2007 – Werth N. Cannibal Island: Death in a Siberian Gulag. Princeton, NJ: Princeton UP, 2007.

Гольфо Алексопулос – профессор Школы междисциплинарных глобальных исследований и директор Русского института Университета Южной Флориды. Автор книг «Illness and Inhumanity in Stalin’s Gulag» (2017) и «Stalin’s Outcasts: Aliens, Citizens, and the Soviet State, 1926–1936» (2003).

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