Honey shall be far more expensive than wax.
Quatrain 9.3 Double-headed monsters
La magna vaqua à Rauenne grand trouble,
Conduicts par quinze enserrez à Fornase:
A Rome naistra deux monstres à teste double,
Sang, feu, deluge, les plus grands à l"espase.
The "great cow" at Ravenna in great trouble,
Led by fifteen shut up at Fornase:
At Rome there will be born two double-headed monsters,
Blood, fire, flood, the greatest ones in space.
Quatrain 9.4 Two chiefs
L"an ensuyuant descouuerts par deluge,
Deux chefs esleuz, le premier ne tiendra
De fuyr ombre à l"vn d"eux le refuge,
Saccagée case qui premier maintiendra.
The following year discoveries through flood,
Two chiefs elected, the first one will not hold:
The refuge for the one of them fleeing a shadow,
The house of which will maintain the first one plundered.
Quatrain 3.70 England will be flooded