Par feux secrets, d"ardeur grand lieu adust
Peu pluye, vent, chaud, guerres, incursions.
The year that Saturn and Mars are equal fiery,
The air very dry parched long trajectory:
Through secret fires a great place blazing from burning heat,
Little rain, warm wind, wars, incursions.
7 The first angel sounded, and there followed hail and fire mingled with blood, and they were cast upon the earth: and the third part of trees was burnt up, and all green grass was burnt up. [Chapter 8, "Book of Revelation" by John the Theologian]
I do not know for what reason, but in the future the earth"s axis will shift. Antarctica and Greenland will be in the temperate zone. The glaciers will melt. The level of the world"s ocean will risen. The lowlands of the continents will be flooded. Europe will turn into islands and seas. The Baltic Sea will merge with the Caspian Sea. The Ural mountains will be an island. And also other global catastrophes will occur on Earth.
Quatrain 1.56 Great changes
Vous verrez tost & tard faire grand change
Horreurs extresmes & vindications,
Que si la Lune conduite par son ange,
Le ciel s"approche des inclinations.
Sooner and later you will see great changes made,
dreadful horrors and vengeances.
For as the moon is thus led by its angel
the sky draw near to the inclination.
Quatrain 3.4 Cold, dryness
Quand seront proches le deffaut des lunaires,