Humaine flemme pour diuin veoir luire,
Fera des seuls de leur sang terre tainte,
Et les saints temples pour les impurs destruire.
Beneath the holy earth of a soul the faint voice heard,
The fire, the kindled man, will be taken like the divine,
The earth will be stained with the blood of monks,
And holy temples will be destroyed because of unclean ones.
Perhaps the Orthodox Easter is predicted on April 24, 2044. The Nostradamus date encryption system is so flexible that you can also get 2033 and 2022 from the number, when Easter will be April 24. In connection with the upcoming disasters, the destruction of temples and monasteries, the Holy Fire in Jerusalem will not come down. Then man will kindle him with deception as Divine.
Connection with other quatrains: 9.31 – war on Easter.
Quatrain 9.31 At Easter
Le tremblement de terre à Mortara,
Cassich sainct Georges à demy perfondrez,
Paix assoupie, la guerre esueillera,
Dans temple à Pasques abysmes enfondrez.
The trembling of the earth at Mortara
The tin island of St. George half sunk;
Drowsy with peace, war will arise,
At Easter in the temple abysses opened.
Quatrain 2.6 Famine within plague
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