
На цифровой игле. Влияние гаджетов на наши привычки, мозг, здоровье


Krebs, R M et al (2011), ’Novelty increases the meso-limbic functional connectivity of the substantia nigra/ ventral tegmental area (SN/VTA) during reward anticipation: Evidence from highresolution fMRI.” Neuroimage, Volume 58, Issue 2, 15 September 2011, ages 647655.

Meeker, M (2018), ’’Internet trends 2018.” Kleiner Perkins.

Schultz, W et al (1997), ”A neural substrate of prediction and reward.” Science 14 March 1997: Vol. 275, Issue 5306, pp. 1593–1599. DOI: 10.1126/science. 275.5306.1593

Schwab, K (2017), ”Nest founder: I wake up in cold sweats thinking what did web ring to the world.” Fast Design, 2017-07-07.

Zald, D et al (2004), ’Dopamine transmission in theh uman striatum during monetary reward tasks.” Journal of Neuroscience, 28 April 2004, 24 (17) 4105–4112.

4. Способность фокусироваться – дефицитный товар нашего времени

Bowman, L et al (2010), ”Can students realy multitask? An experimental study on instant messaging while reading.” Computers and education, 54; 927–931.

Dwyer, R et al (2018), ’Smartphone use undermines enjoyment of face-to-face social interactions.” Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, Vol 78, 233–239.

”Effect of the presence of a mobile phone during a spatial visual search.” Japanese Psychological Research, Vol. 59, No. 2, 2017. DOI: 10.1111/jpr.l2143

Henkel, L (2013), ”Point-and-shoot-memories.” Psychological Science 25; 396–402.

Muller, P et al (2014), ”The pen is mightier than the keyboard: advantages of longhand over laptop note taking.” Psychological Science, Vol 25, issue 6, pages: 11591168.

Ophir, E et al (2009), ’’Cognitive control in media multitaskers.” PNAS 15583-15587, DOI: 10.1073/pnas. 0903620106.

Paul, K (2017), ”How your smartphone could be ruining your career.” Marketwatch 2017-03-31.

Poldrack, R et al (2006), ’Modulation of competing memory systems by distraction.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 103 (31) 11778-11783, 2006.

Sparrow, B et al (2011), ’Google effects on memory: cognitive consequences of having information at our fingertips.” Science 333, 776 (2011).

Uncapher, M et al (2016), ’Media multitasking and memory: Differences in working memory and long-term memory.” Psychonomic Bulletin & Review. 2016 Apr; 23(2): 483–490.

Ward, F et al (2017), WBrain drain: The mere presence of one’s own smartphone reduces available cognitive capacity.W Journal of the Association for Consumer Research 2, no. 2 (April 2017): 140–154.

Yehnert, C et al (2015), WThe attentional cost of receiving a cell notification.W Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance. June 2015.

5. Как влияет экран на наше физическое здоровье и сон?

Alhassan, A et al (2018), ”The relationship between addiction to smartphone usage and depression among adults: a cross sectional study.” BMC Psychiatry 2018, 18: 148.

APA (2018), ’Stress in America” survey.

Bian, M et al (2015), ’’Linking loneliness, shyness, smartphone addiction symptoms, and patterns of smartphone use to social capital.” Social Science Computer Review, 2015; 33(1): 61–79.