
Миссия иезуитов в Китае


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74. Cohen Paul A. China and Christianity: The Missionary Movement and the Growth of Chinese Antiforeignism, 1860–1870. Harvard, 1963.

75. Coleridge H. J. The Life and Letters of St. Francis Xavier. London, 1881.

76. Cordier Henri. Histoire generale de la Chine. Paris, 1920.

77. Cook H. R. Highlights of Christian Missions. A History and Survey. Chicago, 1967.

78. Cox Edward G. A Reference Guide to the Literature of Travel: Including Voyages, Geographical Description, Adventures, Shipwrecks, and Expeditions. 2 vols. Washington, 1935.

79. Cronin Vincent. The Wise Man from the West. London, 1959.

80. Cummins J. S. A Question of Rites. Friar Domingo Navarette and the Jesuits in China. Aldershot-Brookfield, 1993.

81. Davis John Francis. Chinese Miscellanious. London, 1865.

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83. Dawson Raymond. Imperial China. London, 1972.

84. D"Elia Pasquale. Fonti Ricciane. Vol. I–III. Roma, Libreria dello Stato, 1942–1949.

85. Sebes Joseph. The Precursors of Ricci. В кн. под ред. Charles Е. Ronan и Bonnie B. C. Oh: East Meets West: The Jesuits in China (1582–1773). Chicago, 1988.

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89. Dehergne Joseph. Les Chretientes de Chine de la periode Ming, Monumenta Serica, # 16, 1957.

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