
Евреи и христиане в православных обществах Восточной Европы


Bowman S.B. The lews of Byzantium… P. 39 («The condition of the lew was constantly improving»). Он продолжает: «In Byzantium proper, the economic position of Jews changed markedly for the better under the sponsirship of the imperial government; their influence perharps reached the high levels of government circles, and various officials were accused of succumbing to their power»).


Bowman S.B., Cutler A. Anti-Semitism… P. 122–123.


Baron S.W. A Social and Religious History of the Jews… Vol. XVII. P. 43.


См.: De Lange N. Jews and Christians in the Byzantine Empire… P. 24 («It is clear that with the Latin conquest of 1204, Western attitudes to the Jews were introduced into Byzantium by Western Christians, and some of them survived the restoration of a Greek state, co-existing with older Greek attitudes»).


Baron S.W. A Social and Religious History of the Jews… Vol. XVII. P. 41 («In the West-European lands – where the Jewish question was subject to much open debate; where churchman after churchman wrote diatribes adversus Judaeos; where Christian preachers often fulminated against their Jewish compatriots, particularly during the Easter period; where princes and city councilors heaped ordinance upon ordinance regulating the ever-shrinking areas of Jewish activity; and where the populace at large believed in the demonic nature of its Jewish neighbors and hurled against them accusation of ritual murder, desecration of the host, and poisoning of wells, if it did not indeed resort to violence, even massacres – there the Jewish problem evidently was an important, sometimes a burning issue. None of this is recorded in the declining Byzantine Empire»).


См.: Williams A.L. Adversus Judaeos…; Judant D. Judaïsme et Christianisme. Dossier patristique. Paris, 1969; Schreckenberg H. Die christlichen Adversus-Iudeos-Texte und ihr literarisches und historisches Umfeld. Frankfurt; Bern; München, 1990 (второе издание); Külzer Α. Disputationes graecae contra Iudaeos…


Wilken R. L. John Chrysostom and the Jews. Rhetoric and Reality in the Late 4th Century. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1983.


Brandie R. Einleitung. В. Die acht Reden gegen judaisierende Christen // Johannes Chrysostomus. Acht Reden gegen Juden / Eingeleitet und erläutert von Rudolf Brandie. Uebersetzt von Verena Jegher-Buch-er. Stuttgart: Anton Hiersemann, 1995 (= Bibliothek der Griechischen Literatur. Bd. 41). S. 36–79.


Malingrey A.-M. La controverse antijudaïque dans l"oeuvre de Jean Chrysostome d"après les discours adversus judaeos // De l"antijudaïsme antique à l"antisémitisme contemporain / Ed. par V. Nikiprowetzky. Lille, 1979. P. 87–104.


См.: Déroche V. La polémique anti-judaïque au VIe et VIIe siècle, un mémento inédit, les Képhalaia // Travaux et mémoires du Centre de recherche d"histoire et civilisation de Byzance. Paris, 1991. Vol. 11. P. 275–311.