From Anti-Judaism to “Judaizing”
in the Orthodox Culture of the Eastern Europe,
Late 15th – 16th Centuries
This article calls in question some stereotypes concerning alleged Muscovite “notorious” judeophobia. It deals with evidence on Muscovite “Juda-izers” of the last quarter of the 15th century, and “Judaizers’” traces in Muscovy under Ivan the Terrible (Feodosiy Kosoy and his followers), and in Ruthenia (Podole) in the same epoch (recently found “Beseda na gusov”). Russian “Judaizers” were, in fact, interested in Judaism, and most of them were members of clergy. So called “literature of Judaizers” contains borrowings from Judaic tradition. The
How Alexander the Great, Moving from Bohemia,
Offered His Support for the Muscovites
The study is centered on one curious text that spread in manuscripts and prints in the Slavic countries of Eastern Europe from the 16th through the 17th century. The document seems to have been composed in Bohemia in the 15th, maybe even in the mid-14th century This was a charter, ascribed to Alexander the Great, endowing the Slavs with his privilege to possess all lands “reaching from the utmost North down to the Italy’s southern boundaries.” The “Alexanders Slavic charter” is transmitted in several deviating versions, whereas the most peculiar of them was written in one of the (western?) Russian regions, probably as early as in 1556–1576. According to this specific Russian interpretation of the Alexanders generosity, the pagan Slavs – the direct ancestors of the Muscovites – received from the King not the “usual” lands but other vast territories – from the Baltic to the Caspian Sea. The article argues that the intention of the original “Russian version” had differed seriously from the political tendency of the official
Средневековая Европа: Восток и Запад / отв. ред. М.А. Бойцов. М., 2015.
См. стандартное (и к тому же сравнительно недавнее) издание труда Дж. Каваллини:
Некоторые фрагменты данного раздела были опубликованы в ст.:
Обзорный характер нашей работы не позволяет нам входить во многие детали научной и квазинаучной дискуссий по вопросам абхазской и грузинской истории VIII–X вв., тем более что многие позиции в этой дискуссии порождены плохим знакомством с источниками или тенденциозной их трактовкой. В европейской науке обобщающая работа по Абхазскому царству отсутствует (краткие обзоры см. в ст.:
О них см. ниже. По всей видимости, Лазика занимала промежуточное положение между провинцией и вассальным царством, так как в актах Трулльского собора 691–692 гг. она называется не ἐπαρχία, а χώρα