118. Стив Джобс: Walter Isaacson,
119. Джузеппе Паньони: Giuseppe Pagnoni, Milos Cekic, and Ying Guo, «Thinking About Not-Thinking’: Neural Correlates of Conceptual Processing During Zen Meditation,»
120. «Регулярные занятия медитацией»: «Zen Training Speeds the Mind’s Return After Distraction, Brain Scans Reveal,» Woodruff Health Sciences Center News press release, September 9, 2008, www.shared.web.emory.edu.
121. Банк Англии: Asa Bennett, «Bank of England Runs Meditation Classes for Staff Mindfulness,»
122. В вооруженных силах тоже: Julie Watson, «Marines Studying Mindfulness-Based Training Can Benefit Troops,» Associated Press, January 19, 2013, www.bigstory.ap.org.
123. Программа «Операция: здоровье воина» Фонда Дэвида Линча: «Operation Warrior Wellness: Building Resilience and Healing the Hidden Wounds of War,» David Lynch Foundation for Consciousness-Based Education and World Peace, accessed December 10, 2013, www.davidlynchfoundation.org.
124. Билл Форд: Tatiana Serafin, «Sit. Breathe. Be a Better Leader.» Inc., October 18, 2011, www.inc.com.
125. Джефф Вайнер: Megan Rose Dickey, «The Secret Behind the Silicon Valley Elite’s Success: Meditation,»
126. Марк Бертолини: Mark Bertolini, interview with Arianna Huffington, «Squawk Newsmaker,»
127. Марк Бениофф: Sarah Perez and Anthony Ha, «Marc Benioff Says, «There Would Be No Salesforce.com Without Steve Jobs,»
128. Эван Уильямс: Megan Rose Dickey, «The Secret Behind the Silicon Valley Elite’s Success: Meditation.»
129. Джордж Стефанопулос: «George Stephanopoulos Talks Benefits of Meditation at the Third Metric Women’s Conference,»
130. Эндрю Росс Соркин: Marcus Baram, «Ray Dalio, Hedge Fund Genius, Says Meditation Is Secret to His Success,»
131. Джерри Сайнфелд: Jerry Seinfeld, interview with George Stephanopoulos,
132. Кеннет Бранах: Crystal G. Martin, «Kenneth Branagh’s Aha! Moment: How I Learned to Meditate,»
133. Опра Уинфри: «Oprah Winfrey and Deepak Chopra Launch 21 – Day Meditation Experience on Desire and Destiny,» OWN: Oprah Winfrey Network press release, October 28, 2008, www.press.РупертМердок.com.
134. Руперт Мердок: «Rupert Murdoch is Giving Transcendental Meditation a Try,»
135. Боб Рот: Bob Roth (Executive Director, David Lynch Foundation), conversation with the author, New York City, December 3, 2013.
136. Создатель кинофильма Лина Данхэм: Carolyn Gregoire, «Lena Dunham: «I’ve Been Meditating Since I Was 9 Years Old,»
137. Падмасри Уорриор: Matt Richtel, «Silicon Valley Says Step Away from the Device,»