Англоязычные издания
Официальная биография Уинстона Спенсера Черчилля
Основные тома
Churchill R. S. Winston S. Churchill: Youth. Vol. I. L.: William Heinemann, 1966.
Churchill R. S. Winston S. Churchill: Young Statesman. Vol. II. L.: William Heinemann, 1967.
Gilbert M. Winston S. Churchill. Vol. III. L.: William Heinemann, 1971.
Gilbert M. Winston S. Churchill. Vol. IV. L.: William Heinemann, 1975.
Gilbert M. Winston S. Churchill. Vol. V. L.: William Heinemann, 1976.
Gilbert M. Winston S. Churchill: Finest Hour. Vol. VI. L.: William Heinemann, 1983.
Gilbert M. Winston S. Churchill: Road to Victory. Vol. VII. L.: William Heinemann, 1986.
Gilbert M. Winston S. Churchill: Never Give In. Vol. VIII. L.: William Heinemann, 1988.
Сборники документов
Churchill R. S. The Churchill Documents: Youth, 1874–1896. Vol. 1. Hillsdale, Michigan: Hillsdale College Press, 2006.
Churchill R. S. The Churchill Documents: Young Soldier, 1896–1901. Vol. 2. Hillsdale, Michigan: Hillsdale College Press, 2006.
Churchill R. S. The Churchill Documents: Early years in politics, 1901–1907. Vol. 3. Hillsdale, Michigan: Hillsdale College Press, 2007.
Churchill R. S. The Churchill Documents: Minister of the Crown, 1907–1911. Vol. 4. Hillsdale, Michigan: Hillsdale College Press, 2007.
Churchill R. S. The Churchill Documents: At the Admiralty, 1911–1914. Vol. 5. Hillsdale, Michigan: Hillsdale College Press, 2007.
Gilbert M. The Churchill Documents: At the Admiralty, July 1914 – April 1915. Vol. 6. Hillsdale, Michigan: Hillsdale College Press, 2008.
Gilbert M. The Churchill Documents: Escaped Scapegoat, May 1915 – December 1916. Vol. 7. Hillsdale, Michigan: Hillsdale College Press, 2008.
Gilbert M. The Churchill Documents: War and Aftermath, December 1916 – June 1919. Vol. 8. Hillsdale, Michigan: Hillsdale College Press, 2008.