24. Фридрих Вольф
25. Шандор Радо
26. Стефан Дёрнберг
27. Рудольф Рёсслер
Автор благодарит Научно-просветительный центр «Холокост» и Международный научно-образовательный центр истории Холокоста и геноцидов РГГУ за предоставленные фотодокументы.
Boris L. Khavkin
Racism and Anti-Semitism in Hitlerite Germany: The Anti-Nazi Resistance of German Jews
There is a widespread view that German Jews did not take part in the Anti-Nazi Resistance during the Hitler dictatorship of 1933–1945.
Boris Khavkin, using German sources that are little known to the Russian scientific community, refutes that thesis and shows how German Jews fought against Nazism in the underground and emigration, in ghettos and concentration camps, in intelligence, in the armed forces and special propaganda agencies in the armies of the anti-Hitler coalition.
This book is intended for historians and students, school teachers and senior high school students, as well as for all those who are interested in the history of the Second World War and of the Holocaust.
«Обыкновенный фашизм». Украина: уроки глобального масштаба [Электронный ресурс] // Сайт: Коммунистическая партия Российской Федерации. URL: http://kprf.rU/mternational/ussr/l31400.html (дата обращения: 28.08.2018).