In Germany will be born diverse sects,
Coming very near happy paganism,
The heart captive and returns small,
They will return to paying the true tithe.
The 1 line. The movement of the proletariat in Germany was organized in May 1863. Then in Leipzig the General German Workers" Union was formed, which united representatives of several large cities. It was headed by a well-known publicist and orator Lassalle, closely acquainted with Karl Marx. The union opposed Bismarck"s reactionary policies, sought universal suffrage and increased wages.
Later in 1869 another, more numerous, Social-Democratic Labour Party was formed. Wilhelm Liebknecht and August Bebel were its leaders. It fought against the unification of Germany under the primacy of the Prussian monarchy.
The 2 line. K. Marx and F. Engels were the theorists of the new working movement. They created a philosophical theory of materialism, denying the divine beginning of the universe. This doctrine was adopted by Lenin and the Russian workers" parties and led to atheism in Russia during the Soviet period. Instead of religion, the theory of communism-happy paganism-was preached. The utopian theory of communism was Lenin"s mistake, as well as atheism. It was based on the fact that people will gradually improve themselves spiritually and will value the interest of society above their personal, will work volunteer and free of charge for the benefit of society.
The 3 line. It was such people who surrounded Lenin. Revolutionaries were so devoted to the idea that not only their labour, but also their lives were ready to give for the benefit of society. They went for everything: prisons, exiles, emigration; neither fame nor money interested them. Many died in the struggle for a high idea. But these people were specially born for the purposes of the Revolution. If we now look around ourselves, we will not see such. People do not become better. On the contrary, the better they live, the worse. Thanks to the conquests of the Revolution, many now live well. Nobody not only does not put public interest above personal, but, on the contrary, for their own benefit, they are ready to violate the interests of the neighbour, the laws of society, justice. The theory of communism is a beautiful fairy tale, but, like everything beautiful, it has the right to exist.
Linkage with other quatrains: 3.67.
Decoding of the number 3.76. If 7+1=8, 3 to put in end, then we get 863 – the year of formation the first workers" party in Germany.
Quatrain 3.67[2] A new sect of philosophers
Vne nouuelle fecte de Philosophes,
Mesprisant mort, or, honneurs & richesses,
Des monts Germains ne seront limitrophes,
A les ensuyure auront appuy & presses.
A new sect of philosophers
Despising death, gold, honors and riches
Will not be bordering upon the German mountains:
To follow them they will have power and crowds.
The 1 and 2 lines are apparently about the revolutionaries. They worked clandestinely, like a sect, selflessly went to deprivation, prison, exile and even death for the sake of a high idea.