Venus hidden under the whiteness of Neptune
Struck by Mars through the white brink.
In this quatrain the prophet describes the first observation of the planet Neptune by the English astronomer Challis in August 1846. He thought that it a new star. The quatrain describes the mutual position of the planets and the moon at the time of observation. After 1.5 months, Neptune was discovered by the German astronomer Galle.
Probable decoding of number 4.33. If last 3-1=2, 4+1=5 (532), 500-32=468, 8 is put at the ahead, then will be 846 – the year of discovery.
Quatrain 4.82 Fire in Bucharest
Amas s"approche venant d"Esclauonie,
L"Olestant vieux cite ruynera:
Fort desolee verra sa Romanie,
Puis la grand flamme estaindre ne scaura.
A throng approaches coming from Slavonia,
The old Destroyer the city will ruin:
He will see his Romania quite desolated,
Then he will not know how to put out the great flame.
The big fire in Bucharest was in March 1847. It quickly spread due to a strong south wind. Almost a third part of the city burned out, 15 people died, many were left without housing and property.
Decoding of number 4.82. If you rearrange the numbers – 842, 8 to consider as 800, then 800-42=758. 5-1=4, in the reverse order will be 847 – the year of fire.
Quatrain 3.76 German Workers" Parties
En Germanie naistront diuerses fectes,
S"approchant fort de l"heureux paganisme,
Le cœur captif, & petites receptes
Feront retour à payer le vray dixme.