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M. Altshuler, Distribution of the Jewish Population of the USSR 1939 (Jerusalem: Maccabi Press, 1993).
L. Berk, Destined to Live: Memoirs of a Doctor with the Russian Partisans (Melbourne: Paragon, 1992).
D. Budnik and Y. Kaper, Nothing is Forgotten: Jewish Fates in Kiev 1941-43 (Konstanz: Hartung-Gorre, 1993).
S. Cholawski, Soldiers from the Ghetto (London: Tantivy Press, 1980).
The Dark Side of the Moon (London: Faber & Faber, 1946).
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I. Ehrenburg and V. Grossman, The Black Book: The Ruthless Murder of Jews by German-Fascist Invaders throughout the Temporarily-Occupied Regions of the Soviet Union and in the Death Camps of Poland during the War of 1941-1945, translated from the Russian by J. Glad and J. S. Levine (New York: Holocaust Library, 1981).
I. Grudzinska-Gross and J. T. Gross (eds), War through Children"s Eyes: The Soviet Occupation of Poland and the Deportations, 1939-41 (Stanford, CA: Hoover Institution Press, 1981).
H. Guderian, Panzer Leader (Costa Mesa, CA: Noontide Press, 1990).
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Memorial Book of Glebokie, a translation into English of Khurbn Glubok by M. and Z. Rajak which was originally published in 1956 in Yiddish in Buenos Aires by the Former Residents’ Association in Argentina, 1994.
Memorial Book of Kobrin: The Scroll of Life and Destruction, translated from the Hebrew by Nilli Avidan and Avner Perry; edited and printed by Joel Neuburg for the Holocaust Center of Northern California, February 1992.
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