
Поэты о поэтах. Эпистолярное и поэтическое общение Цветаевой, Пастернака и Рильке


Salome 1898 – Salome (Andreas) L. Leo Tolstoi, unser Zeitgenosse // Neue Deutsche Rundschau. Vol. 10. № 11. 1898.

Sandler 1990 – Sandler S. Embodied Words: Gender in Cvetaeva’s Reading of Pushkin // SEEJ. Vol. 34. № 2. Summer 1990. P. 139–155.

Schwarz 1981 – Schwarz E. Poetry and Politics in the Works of Rainer Maria Rilke. New York: Frederick Ungar, 1981.

Schweitzer 1963 – Schweitzer R. Freundschaft mit Boris Pasternak. Vienna: K. Desch, 1963.

Schweitzer 1994 – Marina Tsvetaeva: One Hundred Years / Ed. by V. Schweitzer. Berkeley, CA: Berkeley Slavic Specialties, 1994.

Shils 1975 – Shils E. Center and Periphery: Essays in Macrosociology. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1975.

Simenauer 1953 – Simenauer E. Rainer Maria Rilke: Legende und Mythos. Frankfurt/M: Schauinslandvlg, 1953.

Smith 2006 – Smith A. Pushkin and Visions of Modernity in Russian Twentieth-Century Poetry. Amsterdam-New York: Rodopi, 2006.

Smolitsch 1953 – Smolitsch I. Russisches Mönchtum: Entstehung, Entwicklung und Wesen, 988–1917. Würzburg: Augustinus-Verlag, 1953.

Special Issue 2009 – Special Issue: Poetry and Poetics. Russian Literature. Amsterdam: Elsevier, №1, 2009.

Spender 1984 – Spender S. Introduction // Rainer Maria Rilke. The Notebook of Malte Laurids Brigge. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1984. P. 5–19.

Struve 1971 – Struve G. Russian Literature under Lenin and Stalin, 1917–1953. Norman, O.K.: University of Oklahoma Press, 1971.

Taubman 1988 – Taubman J. A Life Through Poetry: Marina Tsvetaeva’s Lyric Diary. Ohio: Slavica. 1988.

Tavis 1993 – Tavis A. Russia in Rilke: Rainer Maria Rilke’s correspondence with Marina Tsvetaeva // Slavic Review. Vol. 52. № 3. Fall 1993.

Tavis 1994 – Tavis A. Rilke’s Russia: A Cultural Encounter. Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press, 1994.

Thomson 1989 – Thomson R. D. B. Cvetaeva and Pasternak 1922–1924. Boris Pasternak and His Times. Selected Papers from the Second International Symposium on Pasternak / Ed. by Fleishman L. Berkeley: Berkeley Slavic Specialties, 1989.

Todd 1987 – Todd III W. M. Fiction and Society in the Age of Pushkin: Ideology, Institutions, and Narrative. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1987.

Tomashevsky et al. 1971 – Tomashevsky B., Matejka L., Pomorska K. (ed.). Literature and Biography. Readings in Russian Poetics: Formalist and Structuralist Views. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1971.

Tsvetaeva 1991 – Marina Tsvetaeva, Selected Poems. Newcastle upon Tyne: Bloodaxe Books, 1991.

Vitins 1977 – Vitins E. Escape from Earth: A Study of Cvetaeva’s Elsewheres // Slavic Review. Vol. 651. 1977.