
Мальчики есть мальчики. Как помочь сыну стать настоящим мужчиной


2. Jordan B. Peterson, 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote for Chaos (Toronto: Random House Canada, 2018).

3. Alana Semuels, “When Factory Jobs Vanish, Men Become Less Desirable Partners,” Atlantic online, last modified March 3, 2017, www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2017/03/ manufacturing-marriage-family/518280.

4. Joanna Pepin and David Cotter, “Trending Towards Traditionalism? Changes in Youths’ Gender Ideology,” Council on Contemporary Families online, last modified March 31, 2017, https://contemporaryfamilies.org/2-pepin-cotter-traditionalism.

5. Stephanie Coontz, “Do Millennial Men Want Stay-at-Home Wives?” New York Times online, March 31, 2017, www.nytimes.com/2017/03/31/opinion/sunday/do-millennial-men-want-stay-at-home-wives.html?_r=0; Dan Cassino, “Some Men Feel the Need to Compensate for Relative Loss of Income to Women: How They Do So Varies,” Council on Contemporary Families online, last modified March 31, 2017, https://contemporaryfamilies.org/3-cassino-men-compensate-for-income-to-women.

6. Beyond the Veil, Elliot Rodger’s Retribution Video, online video clip (6:55), YouTube, uploaded May 24, 2014, accessed June 17, 2018, www.youtube.com/watch?v=G-gQ3aAdhIo.

7. Alexandra Ma, “The Toronto Van Attack Suspect Warned of an ‘Incel Rebellion’ on Facebook Hours Before the Attack — Here’s What That Means,” Business Insider, last modified April 24, 2018, www.businessinsider.com/incel-alex-minassian-toronto-van-attack-facebook-post-2018–4?IR=T.

8. The Manosphere, MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way) online, accessed June 17, 2018, www.mgtow.com/manosphere.

9. Bianca D. M. Wilson et al., “Characteristics and Mental Health of Gender Nonconforming Adolescents in California: Findings from the 2015–2016 California Health Interview Survey,” Williams Institute and UCLA Center for Health Policy Research, December 2017, http://healthpolicy.ucla.edu/publications/search/pages/detail.aspx?PubID=1706.

10. Sarah Rich, “Today’s Masculinity Is Stifling,” Atlantic online, last modified June 11, 2018, www.theatlantic.com/family/archive/2018/06/imagining-a-better-boyhood/562232.

11. Nicholas Kristof, “On a Portland Train, the Battlefield of American Values,” New York Times online, May 30, 2017,www.nytimes.com/2017/05/30/opinion/portland-train-attack-muslim.html.

12. Michael Kimmel, Angry White Men (New York: Nation Books, 2013).

13. R. W. Connell, The Men and the Boys (Cambridge, UK: Polity, 2000).

14. The Proposal (Coalition to Create a White House Council on Boys to Men), accessed June 20, 2018, http://whitehouseboysmen.org/the-proposal/introduction.

15. Stony Brook University, The International Conference on Masculinities Explores Gender Activism and Gender Justice, news release, March 4, 2015, http://sb.cc.stonybrook.edu/news/general/2015_04_03_masculinities_conf.php.

16. Alanna Vagianos, “Gloria Steinem on What Men Have to Gain from Feminism,” Huffington Post, last modified December 6, 2017, www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/03/06/gloria-steinem-men-feminism_n_6813522.html?ncid=fcbklnku shpmg00000046.

17. Michael Kimmel, 2013: xiv. SAA, p. 280.

18. Values in Action Institute on Character online, “Character Strengths Research: Breaking New Ground,” accessed September 4, 2017, www.viacharacter.org/www/Research.

19. Nel Noddings, Caring: A Feminine Approach to Ethics and Moral Education (Berkeley, University of California Press, 1984), p. 69.

20. Jean M. Twenge and W. Keith Campbell, The Narcissism Epidemic: Living in the Age of Entitlement (New York: Atria Books, 2010); Emily Grijalva et al., “Gender Differences in Narcissism: A Meta-analytic Review,” Psychological Bulletin 141, no. 2 (March 2015): 261–310.

21. Jeffrey Kluger, “Why Men Are More Narcissistic Than Women,” Time online, last modified March 5, 2015, http://time.com/3734329/narcissism-men-women.