
Волк, который правит


[34] В оригинале: all that shit

[35] В оригинале: Kid, how splattered with shit do you need to get before you realize it"s hitting the fan?

[36] В оригинале: We"re fuck deep in oni, Wyverns and Stone Clan.

[37] В оригинале: Forever at the bottom is a bitch.

[38] В оригинале: Pony is fucking amazing, but neither Windwolf nor Pony seems to realize it.

[39] В оригинале: It"s a freaking dragon.

[40] В оригинале: Just answer the fucking question!

[41] В оригинале: What that mystical shit might have actually been talking about

[42] В оригинале: It says "kiss my ass.

[43] В оригинале: Fuck that.

[44] В оригинале: this bitch

[45] В оригинале: Because she is a self-centered, ambitious bitch.

[46] В оригинале: you little turd

[47] В оригинале: after you shit all over the queen"s commands

[48] В оригинале: I"ve had one fucked over month.

[49] В оригинале: A lot of shit has hit the fan that I need to deal with before I can think about that.

[50] В оригинале: Oh gods, could her life get any more fucked over?

[51] В оригинале: Oh, fuck.

[52] В оригинале: Stupid fucking idiot.

[53] Число Маха - отношение скорости течения газового потока к скорости распространения звука