
В поисках энергии. Ресурсные войны, новые технологии и будущее энергетики



New York Times, January 7, 1980 (Warren Christopher); Bernton, Kovarik, and Sklar, The Forbidden Fuel, p. 105 (high scenario); Washington Post, August 3, 1986 («very inefficient»).


Interview with Richard Lugar; Brent D. Yacobucci, «Fuel Ethanol: Background and Public Policy Issues», Congressional Research Service, March 3, 2006 (E 10); Richard G. Lugar and R. James Woolsey, «The New Petroleum», Foreign Affairs 78, no. 1 (1999), pp. 88–102 (mandatory targets).


The New York Times, November 7, 2005 («good old-fashioned»); «President Bush and President Lula Discuss Biofuel Technology», White House, March 9, 2007 («truly obsessed», «couldn’t have lunch»); George W. Bush, State of the Union Address, January 31, 2006 («addicted to oil»); «Bush, da Silva Deliver Joint Remarks», CNN, November 6, 2005; Wall Street Journal, August 9, 2006 («kind of startled»).


Interview with José Goldemberg; Frederick Johnson, «Sugar in Brazil: Policy and Production», The Journal of Developing Areas 17, no. 2 (1983), pp. 243–56 (prices collapsed); William S. Saint, «Farming for Energy: Social Options under Brazil’s National Alcohol Programme», World Development 10, no. 3 (1982), pp. 223–38 («wartime economy»); Werner Baer and Claudio Paiva, «Brazil», in The Political Economy of Latin America in the Postwar Period, ed. Laura Randall (Austin: University of Texas Press, 1997), pp. 70–110 (no prospects); Marc Weidenmier, Joseph Davis, and Roger Aliaga-Diaz, «Is Sugar Sweeter at the Pump? The Macroeconomic Impact of Brazil’s Alternative Energy Program», National Bureau of Economic Research, Working Paper No. 14362, October 2008; U. S. Congress, House of Representatives, Committee on Science and Technology, Subcommittee on Energy Development and Applications, 96th Congress, Venezuela and Brazil Visit — January 13–20, 1980 (Washington, DC: GPO), January 1980.


Interview with José Goldemberg; José Goldemberg, «Ethanol for a Sustainable Energy Future», Science 315, no. 5813 (2007), pp. 808–10; UNICA Sugarcane Industry Association Web site, at http://english.unica.com.br/dadosCotacao/estatistica/ (flexfuel).


The sometimes intense debate about the energy balance for ethanol has been going on since the late 1970s. John Deutch, Energy Policy in Crisis: The Godkin Lecture (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2011), ch. 5.


Corn Farmers Coalition, «Factbook», at http://www.cornfarmerscoalition.org/fact-book/; U. S Department of Agriculture Economic Research Service, «U. S. Domestic Corn Use», at http://www.ers.usda.gov/Briefing/Corn/Gallery/Background/CornUseTable.html.


Interview with Georgina Kessel Martínez; Washington Post, January 27, 2007.


Bernton, Kovarik, and Sklar, The Forbidden Fuel, pp. 74–75 (Leo Spano); Washington Post, Outlook, «Some Trash Can Be Really Sweet», November 11, 1975, p. 1011 («lowly fungi»); Norm Augustine to author («quantum leap»).


Nightline, ABC, aired January 23, 2007 (Bransby); Bush, State of the Union Address, January 31, 2006.