
The Mist and the Lightning. Part I


"Yes, yes…" Vil nodded.

"I don"t see it by your face," Orel poured some wine for him. "Have a drink, unwind."

"Thank you." Vil took the glass, his hand was shaking.

"For you, Vil!" Orel raised his glass, the others joined him. "You"re with us now," Orel smiled, "and there is no way back. Come round at last!" he shouted seeing that Vil still was beyond himself.

Vil forced a smile.

"Orel, I"m sorry, I wanted it for so long – and now when it happened, I don"t know… I"m lost like a fool," he stopped not knowing what to say.

"Yeah, that"s just like you," Orel agreed. "But I advise you to pull yourself together because relaxing is not in our habit."

"Of course, of course, Arel, yes…"

Tol turned away in disgust. "What a shitty day!" he said darkly.

Orel pushed convolvulus away from the grate and looked down at the square.

"Do you see those people, Vil?"


"Now you"re not like them, you"ll never be able to be with them. To be just one of them. Now you"re their enemy, their pain and disaster." Orel let the convolvulus go hiding the square from their view. "They"ll run away just seeing you. They"ll curse you in their prayers. They"ll hate you from the depth of their hearts. Because they have the right to decide who deserves it and who doesn"t. And I don"t challenge that right of theirs – they don"t exist for me, they are just raw meat. What will you say to that, Vil?"

"I"m glad you took me in," Vil prattled, "but I don"t wish evil to anyone."

"The more difficult it will be for you," Orel smoothened his hair and lit a cigarette. "Lis, you were looking at the street all the time," he said, "is there something worthy of your choice?"

"Yes," Lis smiled.

"So why are you still sitting here?"

Vil watched Lis leave; he"d come round now and looked quite cheerful.

"I"m going to give you your first task," Orel said to Vil. "Are you ready?"

"You want to give me a task?"