
The Mist and the Lightning. Part I


"Sit down, everyone," he said. "You too, Vil. You"re on the team now."

Enriki"s face brightened. Tol spat on the floor in irritation.

"Shit!" he cursed in anger.

"Calm down," Lis said quietly; his eyes glittered slyly.

Vil kept standing, unable to believe Orel"s words.

"Why are you standing there? See, we aren"t leaving. I said you"re in," Orel shook his head. "Oh gods, you"re so dumb!"

"And what about them?" Vil asked nervously. "Do they agree?"

"Questions, questions, endless questions, that"s why I dislike you, Vil – for your endless stupid questions."

"I also asked something like that when you offered me to join you," Nikto interfered. "It"s quite a reasonable question."

"I agree with Nikto," Enriki added.

"Fine," Orel said. "Fine. Who"s for Vil"s being on the team?"

He raised his hand, Enriki and Nikto joined him.

"Ni-i-ik!" Tol moaned in disappointment, screwing his face. Nikto looked at him and shrugged.

"Who"s against?"

Tol raised his hand. Lis didn"t vote.

"So, it"s three against one, plus Lis who abstains. Are you happy?"

Vil slowly came up to the table and sat down. It seemed he was going to faint.

"When I said I"m taking you in, I knew I had a majority behind me," Orel explained, "even though it actually doesn"t matter because I have the last word. It"ll be as I say. But I seldom use it because we"re a family and I like to take everyone"s interests into consideration."

"As if," Tol muttered resentfully.

"Do you understand what I mean?" Orel leaned to Vil over the table.