8. Из рассказа Джорджа Дайсона (George B. Dyson) на The Edge Reality Club: www.edge.org/discourse/self.html.
9. Thompson Kenneth R. Confronting the Paradoxes in a Total Quality Environment // Organizational Dynamics. Vol. 26 (Winter 1998).
Глава 9. Задумать немыслимое
1. Есть много версий истории о ширине рельсов. Вот два варианта, внушающие доверие: Roman Chariots, Railroad Tracks, Milspecs, and Urban Legends. N. d. // National Aeronautics and Space Administration. URL: standards.nasa.gov/documents/RomanChariots.pdf; Adams Cecil. Was Standard Railroad Gauge (4′8½″) Determined by Roman Chariot Ruts? // The Straight Dope. 2000. February 18. URL: www.straightdope.com/columns/read/2538/was-standard-railroad-gauge-48-determined-by-roman-chariot-ruts.
2. Kumar Naresh. Unilever’s Brazilian Detergent to Stalk Its Customers // PSFK.com. 2010. August 4. URL: www.psfk.com/2010/08/unilevers-brazilian-detergent-to-stalk-its-customers.html.
3. Эта история цитируется во многих источниках, хотя материал с печатной версией цитаты господина Сильвера найти не удалось.
4. Von Lunen Jacques. Cutouts Help Kids Connect to Parents Overseas // Bellingham Herald. 2001. March 13. URL: www.bellinghamherald.com/2011/03/13/1914426/cutouts-help-kids-connect-to-parents.html.
5. Hi-tech ink perfects egg boiling // BBC News. 2006. July 31. URL: news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/5226338.stm.
6. Роберт Дилтс рассказывает о Диснее здесь: Walt Disney: Strategies of Genius / NLP Institute of California. 1996. URL: www.nlpu.com/Articles/article7.htm.
7. Shepard Roger N. Psychophysical Complementarity // Perceptual Organization / ed. Michael Kubovy and James R. Pomerantz. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1981. P. 279–342.
8. Ballard Chris. The Car That Emotes // New York Times. 2004. December 12. URL: www.nytimes.com/2004/12/12/magazine/12CAR.html.
Глава 10. Идеи от Бога
1. Berlin Leslie. We’ll Fill This Space, but First a Nap // New York Times. 2008. September 27. URL: www.nytimes.com/2008/09/28/technology/28proto.html.
2. Thompson Clive. The Eyes of Honesty // New York Times. 2006. December 10. URL: www.nytimes.com/2006/12/10/magazine/10section1C.t-3.html.
3. Begley Sharon. The Puzzle of Genius // Newsweek. 1993. June 28. URL: www.newsweek.com/1993/06/27/the-puzzle-of-genius.html.
4. Russell Bertrand. The Conquest of Happiness. New York: Liveright, 1996. P. 63.
5. Hindemith Paul. A Composer’s World. Gloucester, MA: Peter Smith Pub., 1969. P. 70–72.
6. Подробнее о Пуанкаре см.: Jules Henri Poincare // School of Mathematics. University of St. Andrews, Scotland. 2003. URL: www.groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Biographies/Poincare.html.
7. Sheldrake Rupert. Edge.org. URL: www.edge.org/discourse/self.html.
8. Joachim David S. For CBS’s Fall Lineup, Check Inside Your Refrigerator // New York Times. 2006. July 17. URL: www.nytimes.com/2006/07/17/business/media/17adco.html.
9. Hartmann Silvia. Metaphor Story about Change: The Egg. URL: silviahartmann.com/metaphor-teaching-story-egg.php.
Глава 11. Намерение — семя творческого мышления
1. Heylighen Francis. The Science of Self-Organization and Adaptivity. URL: vub.academia.edu/FrancisHeylighen/Papers/249586/The_science_of_self-organization_and_adaptivity.