221. Suzuki. The Training of A Zen Monk. Kyoto, 1934.
222. Suzuki. Manual of Zen Buddhism. Kyoto, 1935.
223. Suzuki. Ignorance and World Fellowship. L., 1937.
224. Suzuki. Zen Buddhism and its Influence on Japanese Culture. Kyoto, 1938.
225. Suzuki. The Zen Doctrine of no-mind. The Significance of the Sutra of Hui-neng. L., 1949.
226. Suzuki. Living by Zen. L., 1950.
227. Suzuki. Buddhist Symbolism. N. Y., 1954.
228. Suzuki. The Awakening of a New Consciousness in Zen // Franos Jahrbuch, Zurich, 1955, v. 23.
229. Suzuki. Studies in Zen. N. Y., 1955.
230. Suzuki. Mysticism. Christian and Buddhist. L., 1957.
231. Suzuki. The Individual Person in Zen. Honolulu, 1968.
232. Suzuki. Zen and Japanese Buddhism. Tokyo, 1970.
233. Suzuki. Sengai: The Zen Master. L, 1971.
234. Suzuki. Zen and Japanese Culture (IX–XVIII). Princeton, 1971.
235. Suzuki. What Is Zen? N. Y., 1972.
236. The Iron Flute. 1000 Zen Koans. Tuttle, 1961.
237. The Wheel of Death. A Collection of Writings From Zen Buddhism. N. Y, 1971.
238. Thompson L. Chinese Religion. California, 1969.
239. Tsukamoto Z. Chinese Buddhism in the Middle Period of the Tang Dynasty. Kyoto, 1940.
240. Waley A. Zen Buddhism and its Relations To Art. L., 1922.