
Prophecies by Nostradamus


Quatrain 3.94 Admiration by the century

De cinq cens ans plus compte l"on tiendra,

Celuy qu"estoit l"ornement de son temps:

Puis à vn coup grande clarté donrra,

Que par ce siecle les rendra trescontens.

In 500 years during which more will take into account,

The one who was the ornament of his era:

Then with a shock great clarity he will give,

Which by this century will bring them great contentment.

In this prophecy Nostradamus calls the Russian revolution a coup. The reference in 500 years, apparently, is specified approximately. Many do not feel that living in a Golden age because each person is in life their problems and troubles. But as they say, you will not know happiness until you lose it. All will end overnight and the chaos of world war 3. It predicted in quatrains: 9.31, 1.55, 4.67.

Quatrain 5.41 Renewing the Golden age

Nay sous les vmbres & iournee nocturne

Sera en regne & bonte souueraine,

Fera renaistre son sang de l"antique verne,

Renouuellant siecle d"or pour l"airain.

Born in the shadows and a night day,

He will be sovereign in realm and goodness:

He will cause his blood to rise again in the ancient urn,

Renewing the age of gold for that of brass.

The first line is associated with St. Petersburg (place of birth) and its white nights (night day).