Quatrain 2.36 The letters seized
Du grand Prophete les lettres seront prinses
Entre les mains du tyran deuiendront,
Frauder son Roy seront les entreprinses,
Mais ses rapines bien tost le troubleront.
The letters of the great Prophet will be seized,
They will come to fall into the hands of the tyrant:
His enterprise will be to deceive his King,
But his thefts will soon confuse him.
In 1781 Pope Pius VI betrayed anathema all the works of the great astrologer and forbade their distribution. The revolution broke out in France after 10 years. Robespierre stood up for the prophet. He found a prediction about the renewal of the century – in 1792 a new chronology was introduced.
Quatrain 1.42 The desecration of grave
Les dix Kalendes d"Auril de fait Gotique
Ressuscité encor par gens malins,
Le feu estaint, assemleee diabolique,
Cerchant les os du d"Amant & Pselin.
The tenth day of the April Calendar, calculated in Gothic fashion
is revived again by wicked people.
The fire is put out and the diabolic gathering
seek the bones of the demon of Psellus.
A decade later in 1791 the revolutionary Jacobites destroyed and desecrated the tomb of Nostradamus, as he predicted in this quatrain.