Puis tout a coup la vengeance on verra,
Cent, main, soif, faim, quand courra la (comette.
"Mabus" then will soon die, there will come
Of people and beasts a horrible rout:
Then suddenly one will see vengeance,
Hundred, hand, thirst, hunger when the comet will run.
Probably, the passage of the fiery Comet near the Earth will be the end of this civilization and the beginning of a new one. It"s hard to believe that this beautiful planet, where prosperity and abundance, will be devastated. Nevertheless, everything has been predicted for a long time ago and, apparently, inevitable.
After Comet
Presumably, the quatrains listed in this section refer to the period after the comet. In quatrain 1.63 it is said about the devastated lands. The planet will change. The ocean will be not or almost will be not, the day will be 16 hours – this is predicted by Jesus. The atmosphere will be rarefied, so that it will be difficult to breathe. After the Fiery comet a new civilization will born, the latter not only on Earth, but in the all Solar system. Then, at the beginning of the 7th millennium, as Nostradamus writes, the end of days will come.
Quatrain 3.1 Ocean after fire
A Pres combat & bataille nauale, (froy.
Le grand Neptun a son plus haut bef-
Rouge aduersaire de peur deuiendra (pasle
Mettat le grad Ocean en effroy.
After combat and naval battle,
The great Neptune in his highest belfry:
Red adversary will become pale with fear,
Putting the great Ocean in dread.
"1. And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea." [Chapter 21 "Book of Revelation" by John the Theologian]
Quatrain 1.17 Rainbow