Quatrain 2.18 The fires make the sea stony
Nouuelle & pluye subite, impetueuse
Empeshera subit deux exercices,
Pierre, ciel, feux faire la mer pierreuse
La mort de sept, terre & marin subites.
New and sudden rain, impetuous
Hinder make two exercises,
Stone, sky, lights make the stony sea
The death of seven, sudden land and sea.
Quatrain 2.40 The death of animals
Vn peu apres non point longue interualle
Par mer & terre sera fait grand tumulte,
Beaucoup plus grande sera pugne naualle,
Feux, animaux, qui plus feront d"insulte.
Shortly afterwards, without a very long interval,
By sea and land a great uproar will be raised:
Naval battle will be very much greater,
The fires, animals, those who will cause greater insult.