Willerman, L.R., et al. «In vivo brain size and intelligence
, D.L., et al. «A comparison of the cell phone driver and the drunk driver
Культура © мозг
Allen, K., , J. «Effects of music on cardiovascular reactivity among surgeons
, L., et al. «Nurturing brain plasticity: impact of environmental enrichment
, C.F. «Prelude or requiem for the Mozart effect
Fox, J.G., og E. D. Embrey. «Music – an aid to productivity
, V., Goldman, A. «Mirror neurons and the simulation theory of mind-reading
Geertz, C. «The interpretation of cultures: Selected essays
, D.O. «The effects of early experience on problem solving at maturity
Perham, N., , J. «Can preference for background music mediate the irrelevant sound effect
Rauscher, F.H., et al. «Music and spatial task performance
Sale, A., et al. «Environment and brain plasticity: towards an endogenous pharmacotherapy
, V.N., et al. «Anatomically distinct dopamine release during anticipation and experience of peak emotion to music
Tylor, E.B.
Мозг и еда
, C., et al. «Prolonged breast-feeding (six months or more) and milk fat content at six months are associated with higher developmental scores at one year of age within a breast-fed population.»
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