Цит. по: Dehergne Joseph. Les biens de la maison francaise de Pekin en 1776–1778, Monumenta Serica, # 20, 1960, c. 79.
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Dehergne Joseph. Les biens de la maison francaise de Pekin en 1776–1778, Monumenta Serica, # 20, 1960, c. 56.
См.: Гу Чаншэн. Чуаньцзяоши юй цзиньдай Чжунго (Миссионеры и Китай Нового времени). Шанхай, 1981, с. 374.
Semedo Alvarez de. The History of the Great and Renowned Monarchy of China, (trans. by «a person of Quality»). London, 1655.
Cм.: Rowbotham Arnold H. Missionary and Mandarin. The Jesuits at the Court of China. Berkeley and L.A., 1942.
Cм.: Backhouse E. and J. O. P. Bland. Annals and Memoirs of the Court of Peking. New York-London, 1914, c. 315.
le Comte Lois. Nouveau memoire sur Petat present de la Chine. Paris, 1697, c. 286.
Cм.: Backhouse E. and J. O. P. Bland. Annals and Memoirs of the Court of Peking. New York-London, 1914, c. 329.