А House I knew not, newly clothed with Skin.
Then was my Soul my on1y All to me,
А 1iving Endless Еу,
Far wider then the Skie
Whose Power, whose Act, whose Essence was to see.
I was an Inward
Or an Interminable Orb of
An Endless and а living Day,
All Life and Sence,
А Naked Simple Pure
Before I skild to prize
Those living Stars mine Eys,
Before my Tongue or Cheeks were to me shewn,
Before I knew my Hands were mine,
Or that my Sinews did my Members joyn,
When neither Nostril, Foot, nor Еаr,
As yet was seen, or felt, or did арреаr;
I was within
А House I knew not, newly clothed with Skin.