11. Things, 339.
12. Smith, Former People, 132–33.
13. О русских беженцах в Кисловодске того времени см.: Ignatieff, The Russian Album, глава 7.
14. Meriel Buchanan, Victorian Gallery, London: Cassell, 1956, 60.
15. Clarke, Hidden Treasures, 80.
16. Там же, 89, 127.
17. Robien, Diary of a Diplomat, 153–154.
18. Things, 340.
19. Robien, Diary of a Diplomat, 153–154; Things, 341.
20. Things, 341.
21. Jevakhoff, Les Russes blancs, 59.
22. Things, 351.
23. Paley, Memories of Russia, chapter XIX; www.alexanderpalace.org/memoriesrussia/index.html; Smith, Former People, 326.
24. Nostitz, Countess, Romance and Revolutions, London: Hutchinson, 1937, 117.
25. Robien, Diary of a Diplomat, 225–226.
26. Gabriel, Memories in the Marble Palace, 316.
27. Things, 350.
28. Charlotte Zeepvat, Romanov Autumn: The Last Century of Imperial Russia, Stroud, UK: Sutton, 2006, 261–62.
29. Things, 356–357.
30. Там же, 369.