
Prophecies by Nostradamus


Emmy deux fleuues main gauche militaire,

Sera murtry par Ioyne chaulueron.

With the black Rapax & blood-thirsty,

Descended from the brothel of the inhuman Nero

Between two streams the left military hand,

Will be attacked by a Young nationalist.

As in the quatrain 6.33, the military situation in the Mesopotamia is predicted here. In both quatrains a black and bloodthirsty man is mentioned, as well as a military hand.

The 3 line. The left hand of the Ruler symbolizes those who help him to rule: advisers, ministers, senate, parliament, etc. This line can be interpreted in such a way that the military initiative in the Mesopotamia does not come from the ruler himself, but from his entourage.

Linkage with other quatrains: 6.33.

Quatrain 8.10 Drive out foreigners

Puanteur grande sortira de Lausanne,

Qu"on ne sçaura l"origine du fait.

Lon mettra hors tout la gent loingtaine

Feu veu au ciel, peuple estranger deffait.

A great stench will come from Lausanne,

but they will not know its origin,

they will put out all people from distant places,

fire seen in the sky, a foreign nation defeated.

Presumably, the event that was yet to happen was predicted. In my opinion, this prophecy is related to quatrain, which refers to a large migration from Asia. This quatrain refers to the expulsion of strangers, who may be Muslims who have flooded Europe.

The first line mentions the Swiss city of Lausanne. Now 40% of its population are foreigners, therefore, perhaps another understanding of the prophecy. The foreigners may not be Muslim refugees, but various foreigners living in Lausanne. It is very difficult to obtain a residence permit in Switzerland. They do not like immigrants there. So it is very likely that someday they will drive out foreigners.