
Профессионалы и маргиналы в славянской и еврейской культурной традиции


Doctoral student

Institute of history of St. Petersburg State University

Mendeleevskaya ln 5, St. Petersburg, 199034, Russia

Tel.: +7(812) 328–94–47

E-mail: [email protected]

DOI 10.31168/2658–3356.2022.7

Abstract. This article examines the history and ethnography of the Russian Judaizer communities that lived on the right bank of the Laba River in Kuban region settlements during the second half of the nineteenth century. Drawing on the concept of “communitas” that W. Turner uses to describe this transition period’s communities, I argue that Russian Subbotniks formed a marginal group located between Russian and Jewish culture. The original communities of Russian peasants, who began to practice religion in accordance with Scripture, were in a state of slow change from one structure to another. This article provides a history of the appearance of representatives of the movement in the region and analyzes the territorial and estate transition to the Cossack estate. The attitude of the regional authorities to religious dissent is evaluated as neutral. The division of the Judaizing movement into Hers and Karaites is characterized as the completion of the transition of Russian peasants, who first borrowed the terminology of the division of the Jewish religion, then adopted and integrated into this structure. The historical picture is complemented by ethnographic descriptions of the house structure and the life cycle rituals of Subbotniks.

Keywords: Russian judaizers, subbotniks, proselytism, Kuban Cossacks, transitional group, religious dissidents


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