
Профессионалы и маргиналы в славянской и еврейской культурной традиции


Щира 1881a – Щира В. По поводу обвинений евреев в эксплуатации // Таврида. 1881. № 51. 28 июня. С. 1.

Щира 1881b – Щира В. Почему я презираю еврея? [Ч. 1] // Таврида. 1881. № 51. 28 июня. С. 1.

“They are engaged in trade, crafts, brokerage, and, most importantly, vodka and other drinking sales…”: Jews of the Taurida Province, the Alcohol Trade, Prostitution, and Antisemitism in Russian Society in the Second Half of the Nineteenth Centry and Early Twentieth Centuries

Dmitry Prokhorov

V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University, Simferopol, Russia

ORCID ID: 0000–0001–9162–4705

Doctor in Historical sciences, Senior Researcher

V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University

Academic V. Vernadsky avenue, 2, Simferopol, Republic of Crimea,

Russia, 295007

E-mail: [email protected]

DOI 10.31168/2658–3356.2022.6

Abstract. This article analyzes a complex of archival documents and materials, legislative acts and regulations, as well as statistical data on the employment of the Jewish population in the alcohol industry. It considers the scale, degree, and form of Jewish involvement in the industry in the Russian Empire during the second half of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries in general and the Taurida province in particular. In order to identify “the moral and economic activities of the Jews, which adversely affect the life of the indigenous population,” provincial commissions on the “Jewish question” in Russia provided the government with proposals to solve “the problem.” This article explores two things: the legal measures that were introduced to regulate the alcohol trade; and the public sentiments which directed against this marginal part of Jewish society, which led to transformations in the social structure of the Jewish community and the strengthening of antisemitism in Russian society. Through archival documents – some of which are made available to scholars for the first time – details about Jews engaged in drinking and prostitution in the Taurida province are revealed.

Keywords: Crimea, Jews, drinking trade, prostitution, anti-Semitism, legislation


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