
Океан вне закона. Работорговля, пиратство и контрабанда в нейтральных водах


С историей китобойного промысла я знакомился по следующим источникам: “A Brief History of Norwegian Whaling,” Norwegian American, June 15, 2015; Agence France-Presse in Tokyo, “Whale Meat on the Menu at Japanese Food Festival,” Guardian, Oct. 9, 2015; Sandra Altherr et al., “Frozen in Time: How Modern Norway Clings to Its Whaling Past,” Animal Welfare Institute, OceanCare, and Pro Wildlife, 2016; Australian Antarctic Division, “25 Years of Whale Protection in Australia,” Australian Government, Department of the Environment and Heritage, 2006; James Brooke, “Yuk! No More Stomach for Whales,” New York Times, May 29, 2002; Joan Pauli Joensen, Pilot Whaling in the Faroe Islands: History, Ethnography, Symbol (Torshavn: Faroe University Press, 2009); Keith D. Suter, “Australia’s New Whaling Policy: Formulation and Implementation,” Marine Policy 6, no. 4 (1982); Johan Nicolay Tonnessen and Arne Odd Johnsen, The History of Modern Whaling (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1982); “Whales and Hunting,” New Bedford Whaling Museum.


Имеется в виду Японская программа научного промысла (JARPA – Japanese Research Program in Antarctica). Принята в 1987 г. В 2005 г. ее сменила программа JARPA II. – Прим. пер.


Проблему объедания улова китами и ластоногими я изучал по: Jason Allardyce, “Pretenders Singer Joins Seal Shooting Protest,” Sunday Times, Aug. 9, 2009; John Arlidge, “Townies’ Friend, Fishermen’s Foe,” Independent, Nov. 3, 1995; “ATF Cracks Down on Bombs Used to Scare Seals,” Homeland Security Newswire, May 11, 2011; Margaret Bauman, “Changes Coming for Salmon Bycatch, GOA Sable-fish Fishery,” Cordova Times, April 17, 2015; Hal Bernton, “Whales Find Alaska Fishers’ Catch Is Easy Pickings,” Seattle Times, April 9, 2015; Erin Biba, “Alaskan Sperm Whales Have Learned How to Skim Fishers’ Daily Catch,” Newsweek, Nov. 22, 2015; “BIM to Survey Seals After Kerry Fishermen Demand a Cull,” Kerryman, March 30, 2011; Lise Broadley, “Island Fisherman Makes Seal Repellant; Device Uses Sound of Killer Whales to Chase Mammals Away,” Nanaimo Daily News, Feb. 25, 2012; Nelson Bryant, “Group Is Seeking Total Protection for Atlantic Salmon,” New York Times, May 21, 1998; Ronan Cosgrove et al., “Seal Depredation and Bycatch in Set Net Fisheries in Irish Waters,” Irish Sea Fisheries Board, Fisheries Resource Series, vol. 10 (2013); Andrew Darby, “Protected, but Pesky: Tasmania to Kill Its ‘Bolshie’ Fur Seals,” Sydney Morning Herald, Oct. 19, 2000; “Evaluating and Assessing the Relative Effectiveness of Acoustic Deterrent Devices and Other Non-lethal Measures on Marine Mammals,” Scottish Government, Oct. 28, 2014; “Fisherman Accused of Shooting Pilot Whales with WWII-Era Rifle,” Associated Press, Feb. 20, 2015; Par Marie-Sophie Giroux, “Sperm Whales Robbing Fishermen of Their Catch,” Whales Online, Nov. 12, 2015; Ben Goldfarb, “Sea Lions Feast on Columbia Salmon,” High Country News, Aug. 17, 2015; Jason G. Goldman, “Killer Whales Are Stealing Fishermen’s Catch to Make Extra Calves,” Guardian, April 24, 2015; Zoe Gough, “Sperm Whales Target Fishing Boats for an Easy Meal” BBC, Feb. 4, 2015; R. N. Harris et al., “The Effectiveness of a Seal Scarer at a Wild Salmon Net Fishery” ICES Journal of Marine Science 71, no. 7 (2014): 1913–20; Thomas A. Jefferson and Barbara E. Curry, “Acoustic Methods of Reducing or Eliminating Marine Mammal-Fishery Interactions: Do They Work?” Ocean and Coastal Management 31, no. 1 (1996): 41–70; Dan Joling, “Researchers Try Beads to Thwart Thieving Whales” Associated Press, May 15, 2011; Deborah Jones, “Technology May Help Seals, Fishermen Share Same Ocean” Globe and Mail, Dec. 30, 1986; Chris Klint, “Seal Bomb Fishing at Southeast Alaska Hatchery, Caught on Video, Nets Fine for Skipper” Anchorage Daily News, Jan. 16, 2016; Scott Learn, “Sea Lions’ Lives Hang on Disputed Catch Counts” Oregonian, May 15, 2012; Jay Lindsay, “Fishermen: Seal Numbers out of Control” Associated Press, Sept. 29, 2006; “Marine Fisheries Research,” Center for Coastal Studies; Lindsay McGarvie, “Terror on the Rock as Divers Are Trapped in Seal Killers’ Firing Line,” Sunday Mail, July 18, 1999; Bill Monroe, “Sea Lions’ Fishing Prowess Catches Attention” Oregonian, Jan. 16, 2006; Doug O’Harra, “As Longlines Rise with Sablefish, Sperm Whales Take a Bite,” Anchorage Daily News, Feb. 1, 2004; David Perry, “Callaghan Halted Cull” Aberdeen Press and Journal, Dec. 30, 2008; Tim Radford, “Wildlife: The Seal of Disapproval” Guardian, July 20, 1995; Andrew J. Read, “The Looming Crisis: Interactions Between Marine Mammals and Fisheries,” Journal of Mammalogy 89, no. 3 (June 5, 2008): 541–48; Paul Rogers, “Change in Rules Protects Sea Lions from Fishing Crews,” San Jose Mercury News, Dec. 20, 1994; Paul Rogers, “U. S. Biologists and Fishermen Agree the Animals’ Population Is out of Hand Kill Sea Lions to Save Salon, Experts Urge” San Jose Mercury News, March 29, 1997; Zachary A. Schakner and Daniel T. Blumstein, “Behavioral Biology of Marine Mammal Deterrents: A Review and Prospectus” Biological Conservation 167 (2013): 380–89; Julia Scott, “Feds Begin Enforcement of Restrictions on Bombs Used to Scare Birds, Seals” Contra Costa Times, May 9, 2011; Lorna Siggins, “BIM Defends Decision to Shoot up to 45 Grey Seals Annually for Research,” Irish Times, March 6, 1998; Scott Steepleson, “Seals’ Fate May Be Sealed” Los Angeles Times, May 5, 1997; DJ Summers, “Black Cod Pots Approved, Buildup for Halibut Action in June” Alaska Journal of Commerce, April 16, 2015; “URI Grad Student: Minke Whales Are Predominant Prey of Killer Whales in Northwest Atlantic,” University of Rhode Island, Feb. 22, 2016; Cecile Vincent et al., “Foraging Behaviour and Prey Consumption by Grey Seals (Halichoerus grypus) – Spatial and Trophic Overlaps with Fisheries in a Marine Protected Area” ICES Journal of Marine Science 73, no. 10 (2016): 2653–65; Laine Welch, “Looking at Alaska Fishing in 2011,” Seward Phoenix, Jan. 5, 2012; Natalie Whitling, “Seals Wreak Havoc on SA Fishing Industry, as Trials of Underwater Firecrackers Struggle,” ABC News, March 31, 2016; Anna Wietelmann, “Fishermen, Scientists Seek Whale Avoidance,” Daily Sitka Sentinel, July 26, 2016; “Woman Arrested for Explosives Scare at WA Hospital,” Associated Press, Nov. 15, 2013.


Результаты исследований Тиксьера изложены в: Paul Tixier et al., “Interactions of Patagonian Toothfish Fisheries with Killer and Sperm Whales in the Crozet Islands Exclusive Economic Zone: An Assessment of Depredation Levels and Insights on Possible Mitigation Strategies,” CCAMLR Science 17 (Sept. 2010): 179–95; Paul Tixier et al., “Habituation to an Acoustic Harassment Device (AHD) by Killer Whales Depredating Demersal Longlines,” ICES Journal of Marine Science 72, no. 5 (2015): 1673–81; Paul Tixier et al., “Mitigating Killer Whale Depredation on Demersal Longline Fisheries by Changing Fishing Practices,” ICES Journal of Marine Science 72, no. 5 (2015): 1610–20; Christophe Guinet et al., “Long-Term Studies of Crozet Island Killer Whales Are Fundamental to Understanding the Economic and Demographic Consequences of Their Depredation Behaviour on the Patagonian Toothfish Fishery,” ICES Journal of Marine Science 72, no. 5 (2015): 1587–97; Nicolas Gasco et al., “Comparison of Two Methods to Assess Fish Losses due to Depredation by Killer Whales and Sperm Whales on Demersal Long- lines,” CCAMLR Science 22 (2015): 1–14; Paul Tixier et al., “Influence of Artificial Food Provisioning from Fisheries on Killer Whale Reproductive Output,” Animal Conservation 18, no. 2 (2015): 207–18; Paul Tixier et al., “Demographic Consequences of Behavioral Heterogeneity and Interactions with Fisheries Within a Killer Whale (Orcinus orca) Population,” National Center for Scientific Research, Aug. 21, 2015; Paul Tixier et al., “Depredation of Patagonian Toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) by Two Sympatrically Occurring Killer Whale (Orcinus orca) Ecotypes: Insights on the Behavior of the Rarely Observed Type D Killer Whales,” Marine Mammal Science 32, no.3 (2016).


См., например: Andrea Thompson, “Krill Are Disappearing from Антарктика Waters,” Scientific American, Aug. 29, 2016.


Размножение китов происходит медленно. Самка кашалота может рожать лишь раз в пять лет; среди молодняка китов наблюдается высокая смертность. На протяжении первого года жизни умирает от 5 до 20 % детенышей китов. Более того, «ученые считают, что самке кита требуется в среднем двадцать лет для того, чтобы достичь зрелости и заменить свою мать в репродукционной цепи». “The Conservation of Whales in the 21st Century,” New Zealand Government, 2004. В 2003 г. ученые из Гарварда и Стэнфорда перешли в оценке исторических популяций китов от описательной методики к генетической и сделали вывод, что численность первоначальной популяции была раз в десять больше современной. См.: Joe Roman and Stephen R. Palumbi, “Whales Before Whaling in the North Atlantic,” Science, July 25, 2003; Roger Highfield, “Whale Numbers in Decline,” Telegraph, July 31, 2003. В книге уделяется мало внимания обобщенным показателям, зато подробно разбирается ситуация с разными видами китов. Например, горбатых китов осталось лишь 10 % от наибольшей численности. Популяция малого полосатика в одном только Южном полушарии сократилась за двадцать последних лет на 200 000 особей. См.: “Whale Population Estimates,” International Whaling Commission. Ежегодно Норвегия, Исландия и Япония убивают примерно полторы тысячи китов: “Stop Whaling,” Whale and Dolphin Conservation, us.whales.org. Всего за один лишь XX в. было убито примерно три миллиона китов. Серый кит был практически истреблен еще во второй половине XIX в., и сейчас существование вида находится под большим вопросом. Вот почему основной удар, в частности, со стороны японцев, направлен сейчас на малого полосатика; численность этих китов, по состоянию на 2012 г., оценивалась в 100 000 особей, но заметно сокращается из-за охоты, которую ведут на них в Южном полушарии.


Картину сокращения численности китов я изучал по следующей литературе: Ian Ith, “Threatened by the Throngs? Tourist Boats Bring Attention (and Maybe Trauma) to Orcas,” Seattle Times, Sept. 5, 2004; Michael McCarthy, “20 Years On and Whales Are Under Threat Again,” Independent, Jan. 2, 2006; Philip Hoare, “North Atlantic Right Whales: Hunted to the Edge of Extinction,” Independent, July 1, 2006; Lynda V. Mapes, “No Easy Fix for Orcas’ Recovery,” Seattle Times, July 23, 2006; Rich Cookson, “The Whale’s Tale,” Independent, July 24, 2006; R. G. Edmonson, “Whale Watching: Ocean Carriers, Fisheries Service Clash over Proposed Rules to Protect an Endangered Species,” Journal of Commerce, Sept. 18, 2006; Warren Cornwall, “Recovery Plan for Orcas: $50M, 30 Years,” Seattle Times, Nov. 29, 2006; Norimitsu Onishi, “Whaling: A Japanese Obsession, with American Roots,” New York Times, March 14, 2007; Scott LaFee, “A Hole in the Water,” San Diego Union-Tribune, March 22, 2007; Matt Weiser and Bobby Caina Calvan, “Whale Worries Grow,” Sacramento Bee, May 23, 2007; Kenneth R. Weiss, “A Giant of the Sea Finds Slimmer Pickings,” Los Angeles Times, July 6, 2007; Caleb Crain, “There She Blew: The History of American Whaling,” New Yorker, July 23, 2007; Bruce Barcott, “In the Shadow of Moby-Dick,” New York Times, July 29, 2007; Kenneth R. Weiss and Karen Kaplan, “Gray Whale Recovery Called Incorrect,” Los Angeles Times, Sept. 11, 2007; Pat Brennan, “Whales Singing the Blues?” Orange County Register, Sept. 24, 2007; Justin Norrie, “Japan Defends Its Whale Slaughter,” Age, Nov. 24, 2007; Matt Weiser, “Draft Federal Report: Delta System Hazard to Fish; Species’ Threat of Extinction May Hurt Orcas” Sacramento Bee, Jan. 9, 2009; Juliet Eilperin, “A Crossroads for Whales” Washington Post, March 29, 2010; John M. Broder, “U. S. Leads Bid to Phase Out Whale Hunting” New York Times, April 15, 2010; Reese Halter, “What Whales Are Telling Us About the Earth” San Jose Mercury News, Dec. 3, 2010; Brita Belli, “Defender of the Seas” E: The Environmental Magazine, Jan.-Feb. 2012; William J. Broad, “Learning to Cope with Underwater Din” New York Times, July 17, 2012; Felicity Barringer, “Opposition as Aquarium Seeks Import of Whales” New York Times, Oct. 10, 2012; Kate Galbraith, “Campaigns on Multiple Fronts Against Whale Hunting” New York Times, April 4, 2013; Kate Allen, “Why Are These Humpback Whale Conservationists Applauding the Harper Government?” Toronto Star, April 26, 2014; Doug Struck, “The Whale Savers” Christian Science Monitor, Oct. 12, 2014; Darryl Fears, “Navy War Games Face Suit over Impact on Whales, Dolphins” Washington Post, Nov. 10, 2014; Craig Welch, “Ten Years After ESA Listing, Killer Whale Numbers Falling” Seattle Times, Dec. 21, 2014; Anthony King, “Are Grey Whales Climate Change’s Big Winners?” Irish Times, Aug. 20, 2015; Matthew Berger, “The Story of the Arctic Is Written in Whale Earwax” Newsweek, July 1, 2016.


Об этих судебных процессах см.: “Environmental News: Japan Caught with Dead Whale in Australia,” Sun Bay Paper, Jan. 19–25, 2017; Paul Farrell, “Australian Court Fines Japanese Whaling Company $1M for ‘Intentional’ Breaches” Guardian, Nov. 17, 2015; “Institute of Cetacean Research and Kyodo Senpaku to Receive $2.55 Million from Sea Shepherd for Unlawful Attack” June 9, 2015; Justin McCurry, “Campaigners Try to Halt Japan Whale Hunt in Last-Ditch Legal Fight” Guardian, Nov. 17, 2015; “Settlement Agreed in Legal Action Against Sea Shepherd” Institute of Cetacean Research. Aug. 23, 2016.


Ben Doherty, “Sea Shepherd Says It Will Abandon Pursuit of Japanese Whalers,” Guardian, Aug. 28, 2017;“Japan Passes Controversial Anti-terror Conspiracy Law,” BBC News, June 15, 2017; “Japan Anti-terrorism Law– Tourists May Be Unknowingly Arrested– Complete List of 277 Crimes,” Tokyo Zebra, June 2017; “Japanese Protest over Passes Controversial Anti-terror Law,” National, June 15, 2017.


Associated Press, “Anti-whaling Group Must Keep 500 Yards from Japanese Ships, Court Rules” Oregonian, Dec. 18, 2012.