Achtziger, Anya, Fehr, Thorsten, Oettingen, Gabriele, Gollwitzer, Peter M., Rockstroh, Brigitte. Strategies of Intention Formation Are Reflected in Continuous MEG Activity //
Alloy, Lauren B., Abramson, Lyn Y. Judgment of Contingency in Depressed and Non-Depressed Students: Sadder But Wiser? //
Ayduk, Ozlem, et al. Regulating the Interpersonal Self: Strategic Self-Regulation for Coping With Rejection Sensitivity //
Breines, Juliana G., Chen, Serena. Self-Compassion Increases Self-Improvement Motivation //
Brockman, Robert, Ciarrochi, Joseph, Parker, Philip, Kashdan, Todd. Emotion Regulation Strategies in Daily Life: Mindfulness, Cognitive Reappraisal and Emotion Suppression //
Caldwell, Jon G., Shaver, Phillip R. Mediators of the Link Between Adult Attachment and Mindfulness //
Caldwell, Jon G., Shaver, Phillip R. Promoting Attachment-Related Mindfulness and Compassion: A Wait-List-Controlled Study of Women Who Were Mistreated During Childhood //
Chambers, Richard, Gullone, Eleonora, Allen, Nicholas B. Mindful Emotion Regulation: An Integrative Review //
Cullen, Margaret. Mindfulness-Based Interventions: An Emerging Phenomenon //
Davis, Daphne M., Hays, Jeffrey A. What Are the Benefits of Mindfulness? A Practice Review of Psychotherapy-Related Research //
Dweck, Carol S. Can Personality Be Changed? The Role of Beliefs in Personality and Change //
Elliott, Andrew J., Thrash, Todd M. The Intergenerational Transmission of Fear of Failure //
Gross, James J. Emotion Regulation: Affective, Cognitive, and Social Consequences //
Harris, Adam J. L., Hahn, Ulrike. Unrealistic Optimism About Future Life Events: A Cautionary Note //
Howe, Lauren C., Dweck, Carol S. Changes in Self-Definition Impede Recovery from Rejection //
Kircanski, Katharina, Lieberman, Matthew D., Craske, Michelle G. Feelings into Words: Contributions of Language to Exposure Therapy //
Koo, Minkyung, Algoe, Sara B., Wilson, Timothy D., Gilbert, Daniel T. It’s a Wonderful Life: Mentally Subtracting Positive Events Improves People’s Affective States, Contrary to Their Affective Forecasts //
Legare, Christine H., Souza, André L. Searching for Control: Priming Randomness Increases the Evaluation of Ritual Efficacy //
Lieberman, Matthew D., Eisenberger, Naomi I., Crockett, Molly J., Tom, Sabrina M., Pfeifer, Jennifer H., Way, Baldwin M. Putting Feelings into Words: Affect Labeling Disrupts Amygdala Activity in Response to Affective Stimuli //
Neff, Kristin. Self-Compassion: The Proven Power of Being Kind to Yourself. – New York: William Morrow, 2011.