
Моссад. Самые яркие и дерзкие операции израильской секретной службы


Report: The Compound Which Was Bombed in Syria Was the Building Site of a Nuclear Reactor. The New York Times: The Reactor Was Not in an Advanced Stage and Was Being Built According to a North Korean Design, October 14, 2007.

ABC: Israel Sent an Agent to the Syrian Reactor, or Recruited One of Its Workers, October 21, 2007.

Broad W., Mazzetti M. Satellite Pictures Show: The Syrian Compound Which Was Bombed Had Been Built Six Years Ago // New York Times, цит. в Haaretz, October 28, 2007. (H)

Melman Y. Iran Financed the Building of the Nuclear Reactor That Was Bombed in Syria // Haaretz, March 20, 2009. (H)

The Iranian Officer Who Defected to the U. S. Caused the Attack on the Syrian Reactor // News 10, March 19, 2009. (H)

Mendel Y. Report: The Iranian General Emigrated to the U. S // Walla, http://news.walla.co.il, February 6, 2007. (H)

Merkazi I. Sayeret Matkal Brought Earth Samples and Bush Authorized the Bombing in the North of Syria // News-israel.net, May 10, 2010. (H)

Melman Y. Report: A Commando Unit Landed in Syria a Month Before the Reactor Was Bombed // Haaretz, March 19, 2009. (H)

Stern Y. Iran to Assad: We’ll Assist as Much as Needed // Haaretz, September 7, 2007. (H)

Bechor G. The Airplanes Incident: Embarrassed Damascus // Gplanet. co.il, September 15, 2007. (H)

Zisser E., Prof. Between the Lines. November 15, 2010. (H)

Bush: Olmert Asked Me to Bomb the Syrian Reactor // NRG News, November 6, 2010. (H)

Brandstein E. The Attack on the Reactor: That’s How It Happened // Maariv, November 8, 2010. (H)

Caspit B. Who’s Afraid of Syria // NRG Maariv, November 7, 2010. (H)

Bush G. W. Decision Points. New York: Crown, 2010.

Смерть генерала Сулеймана

Blandford N., Hider J. Syrian General’s Killing Severs Hezbollah Links // TimesOnline.com, August 6, 2008.

General Muhammad Suleiman Buried in Syria // cafe-syria.com/ syrianews/2706.aspx, August 10, 2008.

Lutfi M., Majli N. Mystery Shrouds Assassination of Syria’s Top Security Adviser //Asharq El-Awsat, August 5, 2008.

Mahanaymi U. Slain Syrian Aide Supplied Missiles to Hezbollah // Sunday Times, August 10, 2008.

Mahanaymi U. Meir Dagan: The Mastermind Behind Mossad’s Secret War // Sunday Times, February 21, 2010.