
Индо-пакистанский конфликт 1947-1948 годы


35. Khan, Zafrulla M. The Kashmir dispute. – Karachi: Institute of international affairs, [1952]. – 11 p.

36. Liakat Ali Khan. Pakistan: The Heart of Asia. Speeches. – Cambridge University Press, 1950. – 328 p.

37. Menon, Krishna V.K. Kashmir. V.K. Krishna Menon’s speeches in the Security council. – [New Delhi]: Ministry of information and broadcasting, Government of India, [1958]. – 223 p.

38. Mountbatten, Lord Louis. Time Only to Look Forward. Speeches of rear Admiral, the Earl Mountbatten of Burma. – London: Kaye, 1949. – VII, 276 p.

39. Nehru, Jawaharlal. Kashmir 1947–1956. Excepts from Prime Minister Nehru’s speeches. – New Delhi: Information Service of India, [1956].

40. Nehru J. Independence and after. A collection of speeches. 1946–1949. – Delhi, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, The Publications Division, 1949. – 403 p.

41. Nehru J. India’s Foreign Policy. Selected Speeches, September 1946 – April 1961. – Delhi: Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, The Publications Division 1961. – 612 p.

42. Nehru J. Selected Works of Jawaharlal Nehru. – Vols.1-13. – New Delhi: Orient Longman, 1972–1980.

43. New Kashmir. – New Delhi: Kashmir Bureau of Information, n.d.

44. Noon, Malik Firoz Khan. Kashmir. Statement to the Security Council. – London, 1951.

45. Parliamentary Debates. House of Commons. Official Report. – Vols.412–478. – London: HMSO, 1945–1951.

46. Sardar Patel’s Correspondence. 1945–1950. / Ed. by Durga Das. – Ahmedabad, Navajivan, 1971–1974. – 10 Vols.

47. Select Documents on India’s foreign policy and relations, 1947–1972. – Vol.1. – Delhi: Oxford University press, 1982. – 751 p.

48. Shah G.M. The Kashmir Conspiracy Case (Report No.VI). – Srinagar: Jammu and Kashmir Legal Defence Committee, 1960.

49. Speeches and Documents on the Indian Constitution. 1921–1947. / Ed. by M.Gwyer and A.Appadorai. – 2 Vols. – London: Oxford University Press, 1957.

50. Story of Kashmir. 1947-68. – [Karachi: Department of films and publications, 1970]. – 68 p.

51. The Transfer of Power 1942–1947. / Ed. in chief Nicholas Mansergh. Vols.1-12. – London: HMSO, 1970–1980.

52. Twelwe months of War in Kashmir. – New Delhi, 1948.

53. Under Sheikh Abdullah Kashmir goes ahead. – Bombay, 1948.

54. White Paper on Hyderabad. – New Delhi: Manager of Publications, Government of India, 1948. – 39 p.