
Георгий Победоносец. Жизнеописание и деяния


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Pringle D. The Churches of the Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem. Cambridge University Press, 1998.

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Reverend Alban Butler. The Lives of the Saints: Complete Edition. Catholic Way Publishing, 2015.

Riches Samantha. St. George: Hero, Martyr and Myth. Sutton, 2000.

Rodley Lyn. Cave monasteries of Byzantine Cappadocia. Cambridge, 1985.

Roller K. Die Kaisergeschichte in Lactanz de mortibus persecutorum. Gieben, 1927.

Runciman S. A History of the Crusades I: The First Crusade. Penguin Classics. 1951—1952.

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Sanct Georg: Der Ritter mit dem Drachen: Kat. // Didzesanmuseum Freising. Linderberg i. Allgau, 2001.

Seal G. Encyclopedia of folk heroes. Oxford, 2001.

Setton К. M. St. George’s Head // Speculum. A Journal of Medieval Studies. Volume 48. № 1. Jan., 1973. Chicago, 1973.

Seymour W. Wood. The Cross in Tradition, History and Art. New York: G. P. Putnam, 1898.

Spenser E. Fierce Wars and Faithful Loves. Cannon Press, 1998.

Stace Christopher. St. George: Patron saint of England. London: Triangle, 2002.

Stojkova A. An Original Slavonic Chant or How Many Kings Tortured St. George // Словенско средньовековно наслеħе. Београд, 2002.

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