
Евреи и христиане в православных обществах Восточной Европы


Külzer A. Adversus Iudaeos: Anmerkungen zur Judenpolemik in der Hagiographie der mittelbyzantinischen Zeit // The Heroes of the Orthodox Church. The New Saints, VIIF-XVI* centuries / Ed. by E. Kountoura-Galake. Athen: NHRF Institute for Byzantine Research, 2004. S. 191–202.

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Külzer A. Die Anfänge der Geschichte: zur Darstellung des «biblischen Zeitalters» in der byzantinischen Chronistik // Byzantinische Zeitschrift. Bd. 93 (2000). № 1. S. 138–156.

Külzer A. Disputationes graecae contra Iudaeos. Untersuchungen zur byzantinischen antijüdischen Dialogliteratur und ihrem Judenbild. Stuttgart; Leipzig: B.G. Teubner, 1999.

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De Lange N. Byzantium in the Cairo Genizah // Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies. Vol. 16 (1992). P. 34–47.

De Lange N. Can We Speak of Jewish Orthodoxy in Byzantium? // Byzantine Orthodoxies. Papers from the Thirty-Sixth Spring Symposium of Byzantine Studies, University of Durham, 23–25 March 2002 / Ed. by A. Louth and A. Casiday. Aldershot: Ashgate variorum, 2006. P. 167–178.

De Lange N. Hebraism and Hellenism: The Case of Byzantine Jewry // Poetics Today. Vol. 19 (1998). № 1. P. 129–145.

De Lange N. Hebrews, Greeks or Romans? Jewish Culture and Identity in Byzantium // Strangers to Themselves: the Byzantine Outsider / Ed. by Dion С Smythe. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2000. P. 105–118.

De Lange N. A Fragment of Byzantine anti-Christian Polemic // Journal of Jewish Studies. Vol. 41 (1990). № 1. P. 92–100.

De Lange N. Jews in the age of Justinian // The Cambridge Companion to the Age of Justinian / Ed. by Michael Maas. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005. P. 401–426.

De Lange N. Jews and Christians in the Byzantine Empire: Problems and Prospects // Christianity and Judaism / Ed. by D. Wood. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, 1992. P. 15–32.

De Lange N. Qui a tué les Juifs de Byzance? // Politique et religion dans le judaïsme ancien et médiéval / Ed. par D. Tollet. Paris: Desclée, 1989. P. 327–333.

De Lange N. Thousand Years of Hebrew in Byzantium // Hebrew Study from Ezra to Ben-Yehuda / Ed. by William Horbury. Edinburgh: Τ and Τ Clark, 1999. P. 147–161.

De Lange N. Research on Byzantine Jewry: The State of the Question //

Jewish Studies at the Central European University. Vol. 4 (2004–2005). P. 41–51.

Lelli F. Rapporti letterari tra comunità ebraiche dell"Impero bizantino e dell"Italia méridionale: Studi e recherche // Materia Giudaica. Vol. 9 (2004). № 1–2. P. 217–230.

Letsios D. Jewish Communities in the Aegean during the Middle Ages // The Greek Islands and the Sea; Proceedings of the First International Colloquium held at the University of London, 2001 / Ed. by J. Chrysostomides, C. Dendrinos, J.H. Camberley. Surrey: Porphyrogenitus, 2004. P. 109–130.

Levin E. Christianity and Islam in Southeastern Europe. Slavic Orthodox Attitudes Towards Other Religions. Woodrow Wilson Center East European Studies Occasional Papers. Vol. 47 (1997). P. 27–41.