INTERITE continues to unfold the world of the Game of Gods, with their mutual intrigues and multitude of worlds. This time, it all started when one of the entities of order, called gods here, decided to create a new tool in an attempt to surpass their older colleagues. The tool turned out to be wayward, somewhat unstable, but useful. And its name is Azrael - a being woven from nine human souls, placed in a mortal body, capable of continuous development and evolution in an attempt to find its ideal essence. Azrael is tasked with a very simple mission - to end the war between two civilizations, technological and magical, with a peaceful outcome. The fate of the world itself depends on this, as the judges will not pass the exam if it is not achieved - for the gods also have their own rules. However, just like competitors, and even enemies - they are just like them. After all, no one promised that it would be easy! Azrael will have to make a lot of enemies, and destroy even more of their own enemies!